Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Maria Sine#351;ti - prototipul personajului feminin icirc;n opera lui Camil Petrescu
Maria Sine#351;ti - prototipul personajului feminin icirc;n opera lui Camil Petrescu Piesa "Jocul Ielelor" are ca punct de plecare reacÃâ¦Ã £iile sufleteÃâ¦ÃŸti ale autorului care in mai 1916 asista la o bÃâÃÆ'taie de flori la Sosea, in timp ce ziarele aruncate printre flori vorbesc despre Verdun.Drama a absolutului, scriitura ilustreazÃâÃÆ' in fond principiul camilpetrescian: "totul sau nimic" si axioma aceluiaÃâ¦ÃŸi autor "cÃÆ'à ¢ta luciditate atÃÆ'à ¢ta drama". Gelu Ruscanu, protagonistul discursului dramatic, cautÃâÃÆ' cu fervoare un sprijin in miÃâ¦ÃŸcarea muncitoreasca pentru a rezolva unele probleme de ordin social in spiritul dreptÃâÃÆ'Ãâ¦Ã £ii absolute intrÃÆ'à ¢nd in contradicÃâ¦Ã £ie cu normele si legile ce guverneazÃâÃÆ' societatea. FÃâÃÆ'rÃâÃÆ' sÃâÃÆ' ÃÆ'à ®nÃâ¦Ã £eleagÃâÃÆ' inutilitatea Ãâ¦Ã £elului urmÃâÃÆ'rit, incapabil sa facÃâÃÆ' vreo concesie, eroul sfÃÆ'à ¢rÃâ¦ÃŸeÃâ¦ÃŸte sinucigÃÆ'à ¢ndu-se. AÃâ¦ÃŸadar ca in majoritatea operelor sale dramatice si epice, obsedat de condiÃâ¦Ã £ia intelectualului vremii, apelÃÆ'à ¢nd constant la propria experienÃâ¦Ã £a, Camil Petrescu procedeazÃâÃÆ' conform principiului enunÃâ¦Ã £at de Henrik Ibsen, conform cÃâÃÆ'ruia: "creaÃâ¦Ã £ia mea este rezultatul stÃâÃÆ'rii mele de spirit si al zilelor mele morale" si aidoma acestuia, Camil Petrescu si eroii pieselor sale sunt dominaÃâ¦Ã £i de setea de absolut, de adevÃâÃÆ'r si echitate, de justiÃâ¦Ã £ie si dragoste.Silhoutte of Marichen Ibsen (1799-1869) as a young...Prieten cu Maria Sinesti, soÃâ¦Ã £ia ministrului de justiÃâ¦Ã £ie, Gelu Ruscanu afla dintr-o scrisoare a acesteia cÃâÃÆ'tre el ca Saru Sinesti a omorÃÆ'à ¢t o bÃâÃÆ'trÃÆ'à ¢na penru a intra mai repede in posesia averii sale. Decis sa publice scrisoarea indiferent de consecinÃâ¦Ã £e (publicarea scrisorii ar compromite-o pe Maria), Ruscanu, intre timp, afla ca tatÃâÃÆ'l sau, Grigore Ruscanu nu a murit, dupÃâÃÆ' cum Ãâ¦ÃŸtia el, in u rma unui accident, ci se sinucisese pentru o actriÃâ¦Ã £a oarecare, fapt cunoscut de Saru Sinesti. ÃÆ'ÃŽncep tranzacÃâ¦Ã £iile: in schimbul tÃâÃÆ'cerii Sinesti ii propune eliberarea din ÃÆ'à ®nchisoare a muncitorului Petre Boruga (grav bolnav); Praida ii cere sa accepte propunerea , dar acceptarea ar ÃÆ'à ®nsemna abandonarea principiilor morale, chiar daca ea ar fii in sprijinul miÃâ¦ÃŸcÃâÃÆ'rii socialiste si ministrul ar continua sa funcÃâ¦Ã £ioneze in pofida crimei odioase sÃâÃÆ'vÃÆ'à ¢rÃâ¦ÃŸite.Se naÃâ¦ÃŸte dilema: daca accepta tranzacÃâ¦Ã £ia propusa devine complice "viata nu merita trÃâÃÆ'itÃâÃÆ' cu un astfel de preÃâ¦Ã £", daca ÃÆ'à ®ncearcÃâÃÆ' sa schimbe ceva, compromiterea ministrului, s-ar putea ca totul sa rÃâÃÆ'mÃÆ'à ¢nÃâÃÆ' cum a fost , imorala sa fie neclintita, injustiÃâ¦Ã £ia sa se perpetueze.In consecinÃâ¦Ã £ÃâÃÆ', intrat in mreaja nedumeririlor si a ÃÆ'à ®ntrebÃâÃÆ'rilor fÃâà Æ'rÃâÃÆ' rÃâÃÆ'spuns, inapt sa gÃâÃÆ'seascÃâÃÆ' o rezolvare, sa facÃâÃÆ' o concesie, sfÃÆ'à ¢rÃâ¦ÃŸeÃâ¦ÃŸte iremediabil prin moarte: "Lumea asta din care iÃâ¦Ã £i tragi hrana este atÃÆ'à ¢t de abjecta ÃÆ'à ®ncÃÆ'à ¢t nu te accepta si nu te tolereazÃâÃÆ' decÃÆ'à ¢t cu preÃâ¦Ã £ul complicitÃâÃÆ'Ãâ¦Ã £ii?"Argumentul Mariei: "Nimic nu se ÃÆ'à ®ntÃÆ'à ¢mpla in lumea asta cum vrem noi... nimic nu are culorile pe care credem noi ca le are". Dar dÃÆ'à ¢nd in vileag tainele ce le deÃâ¦Ã £ine, Gelu Ruscanu ar lovi in primul rÃÆ'à ¢nd in Maria, care ar deveni prada opiniei publice si ar lovi exact pe aceea pe care o iubise.Ceea ce-i spune Penciulescu l-ar putea dumiri: "ToÃâ¦Ã £i sunt pe rÃÆ'à ¢nd victime si calai. ToÃâ¦Ã £i sunt legaÃâ¦Ã £i intre ei, toÃâ¦Ã £i sunt daca nu frate, veri, ori au stat pe aceeaÃâ¦ÃŸi strada, sau au ÃÆ'à ®nvÃâÃÆ'Ãâ¦Ã £at la aceeaÃâ¦ÃŸi scoalÃâÃÆ'..."In fata unei at are situaÃâ¦Ã £ii, Gelu se ÃÆ'à ®ntreabÃâÃÆ' pe buna dreptate "AdicÃâÃÆ' sa acoperim fÃâÃÆ'rÃâÃÆ'delegile trecute cu una noua?" . FÃâÃÆ'rÃâÃÆ' sa-si poatÃâÃÆ' rÃâÃÆ'spunde nici lui, nici celorlalÃâ¦Ã £i , ÃÆ'à ®ncepe sa se chinuie, sa se frÃâÃÆ'mÃÆ'à ¢nte in disperare. El nu poate accepta ideea ca adevÃâÃÆ'rul nu se ÃÆ'à ®nfÃâÃÆ'Ãâ¦Ã £iÃâ¦ÃŸeazÃâÃÆ' niciodatÃâÃÆ' pe de-a-ntregul , alb sau negru, nici complet pur, nici complet corupt. In consecinÃâ¦Ã £a el spune : "Totul in lume este coruptibil... nimic nu e ÃÆ'à ®ntreg si frumos... si nici nu poate deveni... toate se ÃÆ'à ®mplinesc numai pana la o palma de pÃâÃÆ'mÃÆ'à ¢nt."Gelu Ruscanu militeazÃâÃÆ' pentru dreptate si justiÃâ¦Ã £ie absoluta. El contesta lipsa de obiectivitate a legilor ce guverneazÃâÃÆ' in societate si o guverneazÃâÃÆ' pe aceasta.DeÃâ¦ÃŸi drama este una individualÃâÃÆ', a intelectualului tulburat de constrÃÆ 'à ¢ngerile morale ale societÃâÃÆ'Ãâ¦Ã £ii, ea se extinde treptat Ãâ¦ÃŸi asupra celorlalte personaje, apropiate acestuia.ÃÆ'ÃŽn contextul acÃâ¦Ã £iunii dramei, apariÃâ¦Ã £ia Mariei SineÃâ¦ÃŸti, iubita de altÃâÃÆ'datÃâÃÆ', nu schimbÃâÃÆ' cu nimic traiectoria personajului principal, deÃâ¦ÃŸi aceasta este femeia pe care o iubise cu patimÃâÃÆ'. Ea este acum o necunoscutÃâÃÆ', o strÃâÃÆ'inÃâÃÆ' cu care nu mai poate rezona afectiv Ãâ¦ÃŸi moral. ÃÆ'ÃŽntÃÆ'à ¢lnirea celor doi se produce prea tÃÆ'à ¢rziu ca sÃâÃÆ' mai aibÃâÃÆ' un efect revigorant. Maria este Ãâ¦ÃŸi ea o halucinatÃâÃÆ', o exaltatÃâÃÆ' care ÃÆ'à ®Ãâ¦ÃŸi trÃâÃÆ'ieÃâ¦ÃŸte prezentul deprimant cu gÃÆ'à ¢ndul la trecut, pentru ea, unul dintre cele mai importante lucruri fiind acum dacÃâÃÆ' Gelu a iubit-o cu adevÃâÃÆ'rat.Maria SineÃâ¦ÃŸti se ÃÆ'à ®ncadreazÃâÃÆ' prototipului personajului feminin camilpetrescian. C aracterizarea ei pe parcursul piesei este realizatÃâÃÆ' prin apelul la modalitÃâÃÆ'Ãâ¦Ã £i de caracterizare diverse. ÃÆ'ÃŽn primul rÃÆ'à ¢nd, prin caracterizarea directÃâÃÆ', realizatÃâÃÆ' de autor prin intermediul didascaliilor, personajul apare ca fiind o fiinÃâ¦Ã £ÃâÃÆ' "de o frumuseÃâ¦Ã £e tulburÃâÃÆ'toare, mistuitÃâÃÆ' de secrete grele", "hiperemotivÃâÃÆ', cu o imaginaÃâ¦Ã £ie dezordonatÃâÃÆ'", "prada tuturor obsesiilor, cu dorinÃâ¦Ã £e neÃÆ'à ®mpÃâÃÆ'cate, deviate." Prin procedeul caracterizÃâÃÆ'rii indirecte, din acÃâ¦Ã £iuni Ãâ¦ÃŸi atitudini exprimate sau sugerate de personaj, Maria se dovedeÃâ¦ÃŸte a fi frivolÃâÃÆ', nestatornicÃâÃÆ', (la fel ca Ãâ¦ÃŸi Ela Gheorghidiu ) Ãâ¦ÃŸi nu poate ÃÆ'à ®nÃâ¦Ã £elege zbuciumul interior al bÃâÃÆ'rbatului iubit. SlabÃâÃÆ' Ãâ¦ÃŸi puternicÃâÃÆ' ÃÆ'à ®n acelaÃâ¦ÃŸi timp, fatalÃâÃÆ', misterioasÃâÃÆ', imprevizibilÃâ ÃÆ', ea se autocaracterizeazÃâÃÆ' pornind de la motivul dublului, motiv pe baza cÃâÃÆ'ruia este construitÃâÃÆ' ÃÆ'à ®n fapt, ÃÆ'à ®ntreaga piesÃâÃÆ': "GÃÆ'à ¢ndesc uneori cÃâÃÆ' sunt ÃÆ'à ®n mine douÃâÃÆ' fiinÃâ¦Ã £e: una josnicÃâÃÆ', mÃâÃÆ'rginitÃâÃÆ' Ãâ¦ÃŸi laÃâ¦ÃŸÃâÃÆ', care a primit sÃâÃÆ' i se dea de bÃâÃÆ'rbat un om pe care nu-l iubea [...] Ãâ¦ÃŸi alta care suferÃâÃÆ', care plÃÆ'à ¢ sÃÆ'à ¢ngereazÃâÃÆ' pentru toate josniciile celelalte."Toate celelalte personaje ale dramei contribuie la evoluÃâ¦Ã £ia personajului principal, sugerÃÆ'à ¢ndu-i acestuia o serie de antinomii ale gÃÆ'à ¢ndirii.Maria SineÃâ¦ÃŸti se aflÃâÃÆ', la nivel simbolic, ÃÆ'à ®ntr-un raport complex cu personajul principal. Acesta din urmÃâÃÆ' este pus sÃâÃÆ' aleagÃâÃÆ' ÃÆ'à ®ntre a crede sau nu ÃÆ'à ®n dragostea Mariei, care, surprinsÃâÃÆ' odinioarÃâÃÆ' de acesta rÃÆ'à ¢zÃÆ'à ¢nd complice cu un strÃâÃÆ'in ÃÆ'à ®n biblioteca unchiului sÃâÃÆ'u Ãâ¦ÃŸi pÃâÃÆ'rÃâÃÆ'sitÃâÃÆ' de el fÃâÃÆ'rÃâÃÆ' nici o explicaÃâ¦Ã £ie, Ãâ¦ÃŸi-a luat revanÃâ¦ÃŸa cea mai stupidÃâÃÆ' Ãâ¦ÃŸi la ÃÆ'à ®ndemÃÆ'à ¢nÃâÃÆ', ÃÆ'à ®nÃâ¦ÃŸelÃÆ'à ¢ndu-l pe Gelu. Tehnica dramaturgului este aici de pune mereu sub semnul ÃÆ'à ®ndoielii sinceritatea femeii. Gelu ÃÆ'à ®nsuÃâ¦ÃŸi nu este sigur de valoarea juridic probatÃâÃÆ' a unei scrisori de dragoste concepute de o femeie cu sufletul ÃÆ'à ®ncrÃÆ'à ¢ncenat de urÃâÃÆ' ÃÆ'à ®mpotriva soÃâ¦Ã £ului, care a decepÃâ¦Ã £ionat-o Ãâ¦ÃŸi pe care l-a ÃÆ'à ®nÃâ¦ÃŸelat. ÃÆ'ÃŽntrebat ÃÆ'à ®n ce mÃâÃÆ'surÃâÃÆ' Maria l-a iubit cu adevÃâÃÆ'rat, Gelu rÃâÃÆ'spunde: "Cred cÃâÃÆ' mai degrabÃâÃÆ' l-a urÃÆ'à ¢t pe el".De fapt, valoarea simbolicÃâÃÆ' a personajului Maria SineÃâ¦ÃŸti se rezumÃâÃÆ' ÃÆ'à ®n piesÃâÃÆ', pe lÃÆ'à ¢ngÃâÃÆ' ipostaziere a feminitÃâÃÆ'Ãâ¦Ã £ii, la conturarea iubirii ca act existenÃâ¦Ã £ial definitiv : "O iubire adevÃâÃÆ'ratÃâÃÆ' ÃÆ'à ®nseamnÃâÃÆ' cÃâÃÆ' nu poÃâ¦Ã £i gÃÆ'à ¢ndi contrariul ei...O iubire, care nu este eternÃâÃÆ', nu este nimic...".Dramei intelectuale a lui Gelu Ruscanu i se adaugÃâÃÆ' aÃâ¦ÃŸadar, prin intermediul prezenÃâ¦Ã £ei ÃÆ'à ®n piesÃâÃÆ' a Mariei SineÃâ¦ÃŸti, o dramÃâÃÆ' afectivÃâÃÆ', datoratÃâÃÆ' imposibilitÃâÃÆ'Ãâ¦Ã £ii de a accepta sau respinge vinovÃâÃÆ'Ãâ¦Ã £ia unei femei pe care, iubind-o, el ÃÆ'à ®nsuÃâ¦ÃŸi a ÃÆ'à ®mpins-o spre minciunÃâÃÆ' Ãâ¦ÃŸi adulter, dar ale cÃâÃÆ'rei erori reale sau numai bÃâÃÆ'nuite, bÃâÃÆ'rbatul nu le poate tolera, nici uita. Ea reprezintÃâÃÆ' erosul dramatic Ãâ¦ÃŸi dramatizat, este unul dintre personajele cu ajutorul cÃâÃÆ'ruia Gelu "a vÃâÃÆ'zut idei" Ãâ¦ÃŸi a avut revelaÃâ¦Ã £iile devastatoare ale inadaptabilitÃâÃÆ'Ãâ¦Ã £ii. Rolul ei este aÃâ¦ÃŸadar nu atÃÆ'à ¢t al unui personaj tulburat ÃÆ'à ®n aceeaÃâ¦ÃŸi mÃâÃÆ'surÃâÃÆ' ca Ãâ¦ÃŸi intelectualul Gelu Ruscanu, cÃÆ'à ¢t mai ales unul de convergenÃâ¦Ã £ÃâÃÆ' cu destinul acestuia. InfluenÃâ¦Ã £a Mariei asupra dramei lui Gelu nu este una asumatÃâÃÆ', ci una dobÃÆ'à ¢nditÃâÃÆ' prin intermediul spiritul analitic al personajului principal.Structura de profunzime a personajelor din Jocul ielelor, aÃâ¦ÃŸadar Ãâ¦ÃŸi a Mariei SineÃâ¦ÃŸti, se va regÃâÃÆ'si, ÃÆ'à ®n contexte diferite Ãâ¦ÃŸi la alte personaje din opera scriitorului (Alta Gralla , Ela Gheorghidiu, etc. ).Din punct de vedere al tehnicii teatrale, piesa lui Camil Petrescu ridicÃâÃÆ' reale dificultÃâÃÆ'Ãâ¦Ã £i de reprezentare scenicÃâÃÆ', deoarece "dramaturgul ÃÆ'à ®ncercÃâÃÆ' sÃâÃÆ' exprime ÃÆ'à ®n planul concret al spaÃâ¦Ã £iului scenei mutaÃâ¦Ã £ iile de ordin lÃâÃÆ'untric ale unei conÃâ¦ÃŸtiinÃâ¦Ã £e, deci o lume idealÃâÃÆ', abstractÃâÃÆ'."Autorul ÃÆ'à ®nsuÃâ¦ÃŸi vorbeÃâ¦ÃŸte despre complexitatea spectacolului dramatic, ca Ãâ¦ÃŸi de dificultatea reprezentare a unor personaje (la fel cum sunt Ãâ¦ÃŸi Gelu Ruscanu Ãâ¦ÃŸi Maria SineÃâ¦ÃŸti), ÃÆ'à ®n teza de doctorat publicatÃâÃÆ' ÃÆ'à ®n 1937, Modalitatea esteticÃâÃÆ' a teatrului.Bibliografie:Opere:1. Petrescu, Camil, Jocul ielelor, Ed. Minerva, BucureÃâ¦ÃŸti, 19762. Petrescu, Camil, Act veneÃâ¦Ã £ian, Ed. Minerva, BucureÃâ¦ÃŸti, 19833. Petrescu , Camil, Ultima noapte de dragoste, ÃÆ'à ®ntÃÆ'à ¢ia noapte de rÃâÃÆ'zboi, Ed. Gramar, BucureÃâ¦ÃŸti, 19984. Petrescu, Camil, Modalitatea esteticÃâÃÆ' a teatrului, Ed. EnciclopedicÃâÃÆ', BucureÃâ¦ÃŸti, 1971CriticÃâÃÆ':1. Ghidirmic, Ovidiu, Camil Petrescu sau patosul luciditÃâÃÆ'Ãâ¦Ã £ii, Ed. Scrisul romÃÆ'à ¢nesc, Craiova, 19752. Pal eologu, Al., Spiritul Ãâ¦ÃŸi opera, Ed, Eminescu, BucureÃâ¦ÃŸti 19703. Zaharia FilipaÃâ¦ÃŸ, Elena, RetoricÃâÃÆ' Ãâ¦ÃŸi semnificaÃâ¦Ã £ie, Ed. Paideia, bucureÃâ¦ÃŸti, 1993
Monday, March 2, 2020
The Insider Secret to Dialog [Hint Steal It] - Freewrite Store
The Insider Secret to Dialog [Hint Steal It] - Freewrite Store Photo byà Victor Rodvangà onà Unsplash Todayââ¬â¢s guest post is by author Jeff Somers.à He has published nine novels, including theà Avery Cates Seriesà of noir-science fiction novels from Orbit Books, the darkly hilarious crime novelà Chumà from Tyrus Books, and most recently tales of blood magic and short cons in theà Ustari Cycle. à à The film Sunset Boulevard (1950) is perhaps Billy Wilderââ¬â¢s greatest achievement in terms of dialog- including the all-time great line (spoken by all-time great voice William Holden), ââ¬Å"Sometimes it's interesting to see just how bad bad writing can beâ⬠(a line given extra oomphby the fact that the character speaking is himself a pretty bad writer). You canââ¬â¢t help but wonder if Wilder was winking at himself when he came up with that one, despite the fact that Wilder- a Polish Jew who emigrated to the U.S. in his late 20s- didnââ¬â¢t learn English until he arrived in Hollywood to begin his stellar career as a screenwriter and director. The fact that English wasnââ¬â¢t his first language might have helped Wilder come up with such great dialog. Hearing a language spoken when you donââ¬â¢t understand it is an entirely different experience than when youââ¬â¢re fluent; in 1972, Italian singer Adriano Celentano released ââ¬Å"Prisencolinensinainciusol,â⬠a song of gibberish lyrics that are designed to sound like English spoken with a typical American accent. Listening to the song is an interesting experience- at first, it seems like the meaning of the song is just beyond your grasp because the rhythms and inflections are right on the money. The reason this song sounds right despite being meaningless reveals the fundamental trick of good dialog: The rhythm. à Slave to the Rhythm Every writer knows that itââ¬â¢s pretty easy to go very wrong when writing dialog: - Monotony, wherein all the characters sound more or less exactly the same (if a reader canââ¬â¢t tell whoââ¬â¢s speaking without a dialog tag, youââ¬â¢ve got a problem). - Stilted, exposition-heavy conversations filled with clumsy signifiers like ââ¬Å"As you know ...â⬠or repetitions of facts re-phrased for clarity (people simply donââ¬â¢t talk like that). - Dialog thatââ¬â¢s too close to reality, because in real life we all speak in meandering, stuttered phrases, using a lot of filler sounds to stall for time- and while making your characters sound like this might be realistic, itââ¬â¢s unpleasant to read (and difficult to understand on the page). - Characters that only speak in Plot Points, only opening their mouths when the reader needs to know something. The sweet spot for dialog is hazy, but the trick is to match the rhythm of real speech, but use a much more controlled approach to the actual words. Modeling Speech The key is turning off your brain a little and hearing just the pacing and pattern of a conversation without the meaning behind the sounds. One easy way to do this is to take dialog from a fictional source or from a real-life conversation and then substitute your own words. TIP: Steal the rhythm, skip the boring parts- this is a perfect opportunity to strip out the ââ¬Å"placeholderâ⬠words we all use to stall while we think, like ââ¬Å"umâ⬠and ââ¬Å"ah,â⬠or, if youââ¬â¢re Italian, allora. Borrowing From a Scene: Letââ¬â¢s say you have a scene between two characters talking about something. Why not steal the rhythm from one of the masters of modern movie dialog, Quentin Tarantino, and his classic Pulp Fiction: JULES: Okay so, tell me again about the hash bars. VINCENT: Okay what do you want to know? JULES: Well, hash is legal over there, right? VINCENT: Yeah, It's legal but it ain't hundred percent legal, I mean, you just can't walk into a restaurant, roll a joint and start puffin' away. They want you to smoke in your home or certain designated places. Even without having seen the film, the rhythm of each speaker is clear, and the dialog bounces in a way thatââ¬â¢s distinctive and pleasant to the ear- which is one reason this scene is one of the most famous from a famous film. The subject matter is not exactly important in any way (to the plot or anything) else, but you can see how the use of meaningless words like okay, right, and yeah are used to keep the rhythm balanced, and how some words are intentionally left out to get a more naturalistic sound (like ainââ¬â¢t hundred percent legal instead of ainââ¬â¢ta hundred percent legal). Modeling your own dialog after these rhythms can get that same bounce for your own words. You can also steal from great books. Why not steal from a master of the art like Hemingway or Elmore Leonard? Leonard had a skill in making ordinary conversations pop off the page: CHRIS: She didn't throw me out, I left. I phoned, you weren't home, so I stayed at Jerry's. DAD: When you needed me most. I'm sorry I wasn't here. CHRIS: Actually, you get right down to it, Phyllis's the one does all the talking. She gives me banking facts about different kinds of annuities, fiduciary trusts, institutional liquid asset funds ... I'm sitting here trying to stay awake, she's telling me about the exciting world of trust funds. DAD: I had a feeling. You've given it some thought. You realize life goes on. CHRIS: I'm not even sure what attracted me to her in the first place. DAD: You want me to tell you? All of Leonardââ¬â¢s dialog has a recognizable rhythm that magically seems realistic while being very controlled and carefully constructed. Borrowing from Real Life: An equally powerful approach is to model your dialog on actual conversations. This can be a better approach if youââ¬â¢re trying to capture an iconic cultural rhythm, or if youââ¬â¢re simply looking for something more naturalistic. This approach can guarantee that your dialog has a believable, authentic rhythm to it, which is about 75% of the battle. A hybrid of both approaches is to use an actorââ¬â¢s distinctive delivery of dialog to model the rhythm of one character on. Think about an actor with a distinctive way of delivering dialog- Alec Baldwin, or Meryl Streep, or even a non-actor you know personally. Imagining them reading every line you write for a specific character will subconsciously guide you towards a distinctive but believably consistent rhythm for every line they speak in your story. These approaches will train you to write realistic-sounding dialog every time, eventually without having to draft on someone elseââ¬â¢s work or the neighborsââ¬â¢ conversations- and eventually to develop your own personal rhythm that doesnââ¬â¢t rely on anything but your creative imagination and skill. Dialog is hard- no oneââ¬â¢s saying otherwise. World-building and plotting can be fun, filled with the wild excitement of simply creating. Dialog is a delicate business. The secret to great dialog doesn't lie with poetic lines scanned and re-scanned endlessly for errant commas or stuffed with convoluted similes- it's all about the rhythm. If your charactersââ¬â¢ speaking rhythms appear naturalistic to the mind's ear, the reader will find it easy to imagine the characters are really speaking even though written dialog is so different from the spoken kind. This is incredibly important because having your characters speak in believable ways sells even the most far-fetched world-building and the most faith-testing out-of-nowhere plot twists. Bad dialog can ruin even the smartest story, even stories that are otherwise brilliantly written, and like many aspects of the craft getting dialog ââ¬âºrightââ¬â¢ has more to do with approximating reality than reproducing it. Like "Prise ncolinensinainciusol," you're fooling your readers into ââ¬Å"hearingâ⬠what you want them to hear. Except, of course, you should use words that actually mean something as a best practice. So, writers, tell me: What writer creates the best dialog for modeling your own work? à Jeff Somers ( began writing by court order as an attempt to steer his creative impulses away from engineering genetic grotesqueries. He has published nine novels, including theAvery Cates Series of noir-science fiction novels from Orbit Books ( and theUstari Cycleseries of urban fantasy novels. His short story ââ¬Å"Ringing the Changesâ⬠was selected for inclusion inBest American Mystery Stories 2006,his story ââ¬Å"Sift, Almost Invisible, Throughâ⬠appeared in the anthologyCrimes by Moonlight edited by Charlaine Harris, and his story ââ¬Å"Three Cups of Teaâ⬠appeared in the anthologyHanzai Japan. He also writes about books forBarnes and Noble and about the craft of writing forWriterââ¬â¢s Digest, which will publish his book on the craft of writingWriting Without Rules in 2018. He lives in Hoboken with his wife, The Duchess, and their cats. He considers pants to always be optional.
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